We’re a lot like you. We grumble when we’re stuck on the Henday. We wonder why the plow left that giant hill of snow in front of OUR sidewalk. We wonder if we’ll ever have a walkable city. We all say that we hate WEM, but secretly love it. Our favourite flavours are chocolate, strawberry and green onion. We are Edmontonians, and we’re not like people you’d find in any other city.
Urban Affairs (or, as we’d like to call it, Urban AF) tells uniquely Edmonton stories, in a way that does away with some of the kinda boring, established practices that are killing modern journalism. We don’t need to do the “we were there” reporting, to tell people about press conferences they already streamed. We prefer one-on-one chats to scrums. We don’t want to be just another outlet sending another reporter to shove a recorder into someone’s grill.
Basically, we know you’re already plugged into the city. We know you read the papers, websites and watch the news. You care about your community. There’s no need for us to rehash what they’re doing. We’re here to tell the stories behind the stories, the kind of thoughtful pieces that are the hallmarks of magazine journalism.
Urban Affairs is an online publication produced by Odvod Publishing Inc. Odvod has been publishing in Edmonton since 2006 and currently produces several print titles, including the award winning city magazine, Edify.
From City Hall to the community leagues, these are the stories that explore the issues in a way that go beyond the headlines. Sure, we all think Edmonton is a pretty good place to call home, but we shouldn’t be afraid to have conversations about ways we can improve the city, or view issues of the day from new perspectives.
If you have story ideas or pitches, please send them to editor@odvodpublishing.com. Urban Affairs embraces pitches from diverse sources.
- Publisher Trudy Callaghan